Medical service


Master tutor

职称:Deputy chief physician

科室:Dianchi Hospital - Massage Department

Area of expertise

He is good at pediatric massage, acupuncture and acupoint application and other methods to treat pediatric muscular torticular neck, cold, adenoid hypertrophy, rhinitis, cough, asthma, repeated upper respiratory tract infection, pneumonia, diarrhea, constipation, anorexia, abdominal pain, mesenteric lymphadenitis, tic disorders, myopia, strabismus, adolescent scoliosis, developmental delay, facial paralysis and other pediatric diseases。According to the clinical experience, summed up the Lijin stretching neck rotation, Shenque sedation, characteristic lung and phlegm, five rounds of Ming and so on。

Doctor profile

Shanghai pediatric massage master inherited the third generation of disciples。现任Vice Chairman of Children's Massage Development and Inheritance Community of Chinese Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine;Director of Massage Branch of Chinese Society of Ethnic Medicine;Executive Director of Rehabilitation Branch of Chinese Society of Ethnic Medicine;The second session of the Board of Directors of the World China Federation of Pediatric Massage Professional Committee;Executive director of Shanghai Pediatric Massage Branch of Chinese Folk Medicine Research and Development AssociationA director;Host and participate10Research projects at all levels。Co-edited works5部。Served as the author of the Evidence-based Clinical Practice Guide for Tuina Treatment of Anorexia in Children (2021Member of the Consensus Expert Group。

Call time

Monday and Friday morning, Wednesday afternoon, Tuesday and Thursday all day

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