Medical service

Preferred Package (Female)

Project portfolio Content detail Clinical significance
General inspection General situation Height, weight, blood pressure
内科 Routine medical examination
外科 Routine surgical examination
Ear, nose and throat Through the routine examination of ear, nasopharynx, almond throat and other organs, the initial screening of common diseases。
眼科 External eye and vision External eyes, visual acuity and color vision were examined. Sclera, anterior chamber of cornea, iris, pupil, lens and vitreous body were examined under slit-lamp examination。Fundus examination can examine the retina, optic disc, macula, retinal arteriovenous conditions。
Slit lamp examination (both eyes)
Direct fundoscopy (both eyes)
Blood routine examination Blood cell analysis By detecting the count of blood cells and the classification of different types of cells and components to reflect physical conditions, such as: anemia, infection and so on。
urinalysis Urine analysis Test for urinary system diseases, such as acute and chronic kidney disease, nephritis, urinary system infection, bleeding, stones, etc。
Quantitative detection of urinary sediment
肝功 Serum alanine aminotransferase assay Check the liver cells for damage, such as viral acute and chronic, alcoholic hepatitis, fatty liver, biliary obstruction, there will be increased transaminase, bilirubin。
Determination of serum aspartate aminotransferase
Serum cholinesterase assay
Serum alkaline phosphatase assay
Serum gamma-glutamyltransferase assay
Serum total bilirubin determination
Serum direct bilirubin assay
Serum total bile acid determination
Serum total protein determination
Serum albumin determination
Determination of serum prealbumin
肾功 肌酐 Assessment of renal function impairment, such as: excessive alcohol consumption, diabetes, gout, nephritis, lead poisoning, hyperparathyroidism, etc., can cause high uric acid。
Urea nitrogen
Serum cystatin C Serum cystatin C It reflects the glomerular filtration rate, which is a test index to evaluate kidney function。
血糖 Fasting blood glucose To evaluate whether the glucose metabolism is normal in the fasting state and whether the fasting blood glucose control in diabetic patients is up to standard。Fasting blood glucose (FBG) is the most commonly used and important indicator for the diagnosis of glucose metabolism disorders。
Lipid 4 Total cholesterol The content of serum lipids was measured, and their increase or decrease was closely related to the formation of atherosclerosis。It was used to evaluate the lipid metabolism level of the subjects。
High density lipoprotein cholesterol
Low density lipoprotein cholesterol
5 thyroid hormone tests Free triiodothyronine It is used to diagnose diseases such as hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism
Free thyroxine
Thyroid stimulating hormone
Hepatitis B 6 qualitative Hepatitis B virus surface antigen Find out if you are infected with the hepatitis B virus or if you have developed antibodies after receiving the hepatitis B vaccine。
Hepatitis B virus surface antibody
Hepatitis B virus e antigen
Hepatitis B virus e antibody
Hepatitis B virus core antibody
Hepatitis B virus core antibody IgM
Ultrasonic examination Upper abdominal color ultrasound and color graphic report To provide high definition color dynamic ultrasonic tomography images to judge the status of human abdominal internal organs (liver, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas, double kidneys) and various lesions (such as tumors, stones, hydrops, fatty liver, etc.)。
Transabdominal gynecology color ultrasound and color graphic report The uterus and bilateral ovaries were examined for lesions and tumors
Thyroid color ultrasound and color graphic report Check thyroid and parathyroid glands for lesions and tumors。
Breast color ultrasound and color graphic report Check the breast for growths, masses, cysts, and other lesions
Radiological examination Chest profile film (DR) X-ray examination of both lungs, heart, mediastinum, diaphragm, pleura, to determine whether there is inflammation, tumor。
Other examination Twelve-channel electrocardiogram It is used for the diagnosis of arrhythmia (such as premature beat, conduction disturbance, etc.), myocardial ischemia, myocardial infarction, atrial, ventricular hypertrophy and other diseases。
14 carbon breath test Positive C14 breath test indicates Helicobacter pylori infection, which is closely related to gastric inflammation, peptic ulcer and gastric cancer。
Gynecological examination Routine gynecological examination Understand the basic condition of cervix, uterus and ovary
White ribbon component analysis + biochemical quintuple test It is mainly to clarify whether there will be bacterial, mycotic, trichomoniasis and other infections。The other is to clarify the vaginal environment, as well as the appropriate PH and cleanliness。
Electronic digital colposcopy Understand the cervical condition, whether there is chronic cervicitis, vaginitis, cervical columnar epithelial ectopia
其他 Blood collection fee and consumables Disposable imported vacuum blood collection device, vacuum blood collection vessel
Stall construction cost Physical examination results and construction fees

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