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Yunnan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine 2021 department final accounts


Yunnan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine 2021 department final accounts



The first part is the general situation of Yunnan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

I. Main functions

Ii. Basic Information of the department

The second part of the 2021 annual department statement

1. Summary of final accounts of income and expenditure

Final statement of income

3. Final statement of expenditure

4. Summary of final accounts of revenue and expenditure from financial appropriations

5. Final statement of financial appropriation revenue and expenditure in the general public budget

6. Final statement of basic expenditures allocated by the general public Budget

Final statements of revenue and expenditure from budgetary appropriations for government-managed funds

8. Final statement of revenue and expenditure from budgetary allocations for state capital operations

9. The "Three public" funds and the operating funds of the administrative participating units

The third part explains the final accounts of the department in 2021

1. Statement of final income accounts

2. Description of the final accounts of expenditures

Iii. Statement on the final accounts of financial appropriation expenditures in the general public budget

Iv. Statement on the final accounts of the "Three public" funds allocated by the general public budget

The fourth part describes other important matters and relevant caliber

1. Expenditures for the operation of government organs

2. The occupation of state-owned assets

3. Expenditure on government procurement

Iv. Self-evaluation of department performance

(I) Self-evaluation of the overall expenditure performance of the department

(2) Self-evaluation table of overall departmental expenditure performance

(3) Self-evaluation form of project expenditure performance

V. Information on other important matters

Part V noun explanation





The first part is the general situation of Yunnan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

I. Main functions

(1) Main functions

We will carry on and develop traditional Chinese medicine,To provide disease prevention, medical treatment, rehabilitation and health care services of Chinese medicine, Western medicine, integrated Chinese and Western medicine;To be responsible for the training, technical guidance and assistance of Chinese medicine talents at home and abroad,Supporting primary health care units;Clinical teaching, practice and medical research, training and continuing education;To undertake public health tasks and emergency treatment。

(2) Introduction of key tasks for 2021

Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era,全面 贯彻党的十九大和十九届二中、三中、四中、五中全会精神以及习近 平总书记关于中医药工作重要指示批示、教育工作重要论述、考察云 南重要讲话精神,Conscientiously implement the decisions and arrangements of the provincial Health Commission and schools,Based on the new development stage,Implement a new vision for development,Foster a new pattern of development,We will coordinate epidemic prevention and control and medical treatment,Bottom line of epidemic prevention and control,Work out the 14th Five-Year Plan in a scientific manner,Speed up the promotion of modern hospital management,Pay close attention to hospital internal management, medical technology, scientific research subjects and teaching students,To promote the overall improvement of medical teaching, research and management,Safeguard the people's health rights and interests,We will continue to improve our ability to adapt to new development patterns,Make sure the 14th Five-Year Plan starts well,It has made new contributions to the province's expansion of epidemic prevention and control and the development of traditional Chinese medicine。


Ii. Basic Information of the department

(1) Composition of departmental final accounting units

A total of 1 units were included in the 2021 departmental final accounts of Yunnan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine。Among them: 0 administrative units, 0 public institutions managed by reference to the Civil Service Law, and 1 other public institutions。They are:

1.Yunnan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

(2) Establishment and actual situation of personnel and vehicles of the department

By the end of 2021, the department of Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital in Yunnan Province has a staff of 840 people。Among them: administrative establishment 0 people (including administrative staff establishment 0 people), business establishment 840 people (including participation in public management business establishment 0 people);There are 0 administrative personnel (including 0 administrative staff) and 790 business personnel (including 0 personnel participating in public management).。

There were 484 retired personnel。Among them: 8 retired, 476 retired。

The actual number of vehicles is 13, and the actual number of vehicles is 14。


The second part of the 2021 annual department statement

(See annex for details)

Explanation: Yunnan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine has no government fund budget financial appropriation revenue and expenditure,There is no data available in the final statement of revenue and expenditure from budgetary appropriations of government-managed funds;There is no budgetary appropriation for state capital operations,There is no data in the final statement of State Capital Operation Budget revenue and Expenditure;No "three public" expenditure,There is no data on the "Three public" funds and the operating funds of administrative participating public units。



The third part explains the final accounts of the department in 2021

1. Statement of final income accounts

The total revenue of Yunnan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2021 is 105,186.49万元。Among them: fiscal appropriation revenue 12,729.530,000 yuan, which is 12 percent of the total income.10%;Career earnings 91,007.470,000 yuan, 86% of the total income.52%;Other income 1,449.490,000 yuan, accounting for 1. 1 percent of the total income.38%。Total revenue increased by 3115 compared to the previous year.570,000 yuan, an increase of 0.21%, (of which: fiscal appropriation revenue decreased by 4,534.910,000 yuan;Career income increased 10,829.120,000 yuan;The reasons for the increase or decrease are: 1.The main reason for the decline in fiscal appropriation revenue is that the special funds allocated decreased compared with the previous year。2.The main business income of the hospital is medical income. In recent years, the hospital has continuously improved its medical service capacity, improved its medical service structure, and increased the guidance and supervision of clinical departments to standardize medical practice。

Figure 1: Composition of income:


Figure 2: Comparative analysis of annual revenue:


2. Description of the final accounts of expenditures

The total expenditure of Yunnan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2021 is 109,259.59万元。Of which: basic expenditure 95,571.880,000 yuan, accounting for 87 percent of the total expenditure.47%;Project expenditure 13,688.510,000 yuan, accounting for 12 percent of the total expenditure.53%。Compared with the previous year, the total expenditure increased by 15,348.820,000 yuan (of which: basic expenditure increased by 14,086.560,000 yuan, the project expenditure increased by 1,262.26万元)。The increase in total expenditure is due to the increase in hospital visits, resulting in an increase in operating expenses, such as drug consumption, health materials consumption, water, electricity and other general operating expenses increased。


Figure 3: Composition of expenditure (share by nature of expenditure)


Figure 4: Composition of expenditure (share by economic line)



(1) Basic expenditures

95,571 daily expenditures to ensure normal operation in 2021.08万元。An increase of 14,086 from the previous year.560,000 yuan, an increase of 17.29%, the main reason: with the development of the hospital business, the corresponding increase in expenses。Including basic salaries, allowances and other personnel expenditures 38,484.950,000 yuan, accounting for 40% of the basic expenditure.27%。Office expenses, printing expenses, utilities, office equipment purchase and other public expenses 57,086.130,000 yuan, accounting for 59 percent of the basic expenditure.73%。

(2) Project expenditure

In 2021, 13,688 funds will be used to ensure that Yunnan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine completes specific administrative tasks or career development goals and is used for special business work.510,000 yuan, an increase of 1,262 compared with the previous year.260,000 yuan, an increase of 10.16%, mainly due to the clinical medical center three-year action plan project increased expenditure of 27.68 million yuan。The specific project expenditure and work carried out are mainly the central infrastructure investment project in the health field in 2020 - Traditional Chinese Medicine Inheritance and Innovation Project 4588.58万元; 2021年度医疗卫生事业发展三年行动专项资金(第一批)项目2768万元; 2020年医疗服务与保障能力提升中央补助资金(中医药)第一批项目1226.660,000 yuan etc.。

Iii. Statement on the final accounts of financial appropriation expenditures in the general public budget

(1) Overall information on the final accounts of appropriations and expenditures in the general public budget

Yunnan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2021 general public budget financial appropriation expenditure 17,318.110,000 yuan, accounting for 15% of the total expenditure this year.85%。This was an increase of 4692 compared with the previous year.590,000 yuan, an increase of 37.17%, of which the project expenditure increased significantly, an increase of 57 percent over the previous year.The main reason is that in 2020, the central infrastructure investment project in the health field - traditional Chinese medicine inheritance and innovation project expenditure 4,588.58万元。

(2) Specific information on the final accounts of financial appropriations and expenditures in the general public budget

1.General public service (category) expenditure 68.960,000 yuan, accounting for the total expenditure of the general public budget.40%。It is mainly used for grass-roots talent training projects and youth top-notch talent training projects。

2.Expenditure on science and technology (category) 629.640,000 yuan, accounting for the total expenditure of the general public budget.64%。Mainly used in Yunnan Province Traditional Chinese Medicine (rheumatism) clinical medical research center project, Wa medicine and other special ethnic medicine research and development project, Yunnan Province expert workstation project。

3.Social security and employment (category) expenditure 201.820,000 yuan, accounting for the total expenditure of the general public budget.17%。It is mainly used for retirement funds of public institutions。

4.Expenditure on health (category) 16,417.700,000 yuan, accounting for 94 percent of the total expenditure of the general public budget.80%。It is mainly used for the central infrastructure investment project in the health field - Traditional Chinese Medicine Inheritance and Innovation Project, Yunnan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine to improve medical service capacity project, 2021 three-year action special fund for medical and health Development (the first batch) project, 2021 Central medical service and security capacity to improve traditional Chinese medicine inheritance and development subsidies。

Iv. Statement on the final accounts of the "Three public" funds allocated by the general public budget

(1) Overall information on the final accounts of the "three public" funds allocated by the general public budget

There is no "three public" expenditure budget for the general public financial allocation of Yunnan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2021, and there is no increase or decrease compared with 2020。Among them: final accounts of expenses for going abroad without business;Final accounts for the purchase and operation expenses of official vehicles;There are no final accounts for official reception expenses。

(2) Specific information on the final accounts of the "three public" funds allocated by the general public budget

In the final accounts of the "three public" expenditures allocated by the general public budget in 2021, there is no overseas (border) expenses incurred on business;No expenses for the purchase and operation and maintenance of official vehicles;No official reception expenses。The details are as follows:

1.Expenses for going abroad on business 0.RMB 1 million, a total of 0 business overseas (border) groups, a total of 0 people。Expenses for going abroad on business。

2. Expenditure on the purchase, operation and maintenance of official vehicles 0.00万元。

Expenditure for the purchase of official vehicles 0.1 million yuan, purchase of 0 vehicles。No official car purchase。

Operation and maintenance expenditure of official vehicles 0.The number of official vehicles allocated by the general public budget is 0。No official vehicle operation and maintenance。

3.Official reception expenditure 0.00万元。

Domestic reception expenditure 0.1 million yuan (including: foreign reception expenses 0.1 million yuan), a total of domestic official reception 0 batches (including: foreign affairs reception 0 batches), reception 0 people (including: foreign affairs reception 0 people)。No domestic reception fee。

Overseas reception expenses 0.1 million yuan, a total of foreign (foreign) official reception of 0 batches, reception 0 people。There is no foreign reception fee。

The fourth part describes other important matters and relevant caliber

1. Expenditures for the operation of government organs

Yunnan Province Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital department in 2021 no organ operating expenses, compared with the previous year no increase or decrease。

2. The occupation of state-owned assets

As of December 31, 2021, the total assets of Yunnan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine were 87,921.880,000 yuan, of which 14,636 current assets.740,000 yuan, fixed assets 49,804.760,000 yuan (original value of fixed assets 89,341.230,000 yuan, fixed assets accumulated depreciation 39,536.470,000 yuan), long-term investment of 35 million yuan, construction in progress 1041.280,000 yuan, intangible assets 4,167.680,000 yuan (original value of intangible assets 6066.370,000 yuan, accumulated amortization of intangible assets 1898.680,000 yuan), other assets 14,771.420,000 yuan (see the attached table for details)。Compared with the previous year, the total assets increased by 2175.950,000 yuan, of which: current assets fell by 14.620,000 yuan, fixed assets increased 10,756.720,000 yuan (net)。Scrap reported loss of 392 assets, original book value of 762.960,000 yuan, realized asset disposal income 17.150,000 yuan;Rental housing 697.91 square meters, book value 226.850,000 yuan, realized asset use income 81.61万元。

Statement of possession and use of state-owned assets




Unit: ten thousand yuan




Total assets

Current assets

Fixed assets

Long-term investment

Construction in progress

Intangible assets

Other assets



House structures


The unit price of more than 2 million large equipment

Other fixed assets

































Fill in instructions:

1.Total assets = current assets + fixed assets + long-term investment + construction in progress + intangible assets + other assets




2.Fixed assets = house structures + vehicles + large equipment with a unit price of more than 2 million yuan + other fixed assets




3.The stated amount is the "original book value" of the asset。




3. Expenditure on government procurement

In 2021, the total government procurement expenditure of the department will be 10,871.650,000 yuan, of which: government procurement of goods expenditure 5671.720,000 yuan;Government procurement project expenditure of 0 million yuan;Government procurement services expenditure 867.4万元。The amount of contracts awarded to small and medium-sized enterprises 4332.530,000 yuan, accounting for 66 percent of the total government procurement expenditure.26%。

Iv. Self-evaluation of department performance

See the attached table for details on the self-evaluation of department performance (Schedule 10- Schedule 12).。

The project of our hospital in 2021 is: the project fund of Yunnan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine to improve medical service capability, with a self-evaluation score of 99.5 marks, the self-rating rating is excellent, see the project expenditure performance self-evaluation table (Schedule 12)。No overall expenditure Performance Self-assessment report (Schedule 10) and Overall Expenditure Performance Self-assessment Form (Schedule 11)。

V. Information on other important matters

6. Description of relevant caliber

(1) The personnel expenditure included in the basic expenditure includes the expenditure on wages and welfare and subsidies to individuals and families, and the public expenditure includes the expenditure on goods and services, capital expenditure and other expenditures other than the personnel expenditure。

(2) The funds for the operation of organs refer to the expenditures for public funds in the basic expenditures arranged by administrative units and public institutions managed in accordance with the Civil Servant Law using financial allocations from the general public budget。

(3) In accordance with the relevant documents of the Party Central Committee and The State Council and the relevant provisions of departmental budget management, the "three public" funds include the cost of going abroad on business (environment), the purchase and operation and maintenance of official vehicles, and the cost of official reception。Among them: going abroad for business (entry) fee,Refers to the international travel expenses, transportation expenses between foreign cities, accommodation expenses, food expenses, training expenses, public expenses and other expenses incurred by units going abroad for official business;Official car purchase expenses,Refers to the purchase expenditure of official vehicles (including vehicle purchase tax and license fee);Operation and maintenance of official vehicles,Refers to the expenses of fuel, maintenance, bridge tolls, insurance premiums, safety incentives and other expenses reserved by the unit for official vehicles in accordance with regulations;Official vehicles refer to motor vehicles used for performing official duties,Including provincial and ministerial cadres special vehicles, general official vehicles and law enforcement vehicles;Official reception expenses,Refers to all kinds of official reception (including reception of foreign guests) expenses spent by the unit according to regulations。

(4) The final account of the "three public" funds: refers to the number of expenditures (including basic expenditures and project expenditures) of each department (including its subordinate units) for going abroad on official business (environment), procurement of official vehicles, operation and maintenance expenses and official reception expenses arranged through the general public budget of the same level and the carryover and balance funds of the general public budget of the previous year (including basic expenditures and project expenditures)。


Part V noun explanation

一.General public budget refers to the revenue and expenditure budget for ensuring and improving people's livelihood, promoting economic and social development, safeguarding national security, and maintaining the normal operation of state institutions。It mainly includes financial resources at the same level, special income, subsidies for law enforcement and case handling, fee cost compensation, education fees managed by special financial accounts and paid use of state-owned resources (assets)。

二.The budget for government-managed funds refers to the revenue and expenditure budget for the funds collected, collected or raised by other means from specific targets within a certain period of time in accordance with the provisions of laws and administrative regulations, and is earmarked for the development of specific public undertakings。

三.Participation in public management of public institutions: refer to the Civil Service Law Article 106: public institutions authorized by laws and regulations to have the function of public affairs management, other than workers, are approved to manage public institutions in accordance with this Law。

四.Basic expenditure: the daily expenditure to ensure the normal operation of the organization, and the expenditure incurred to complete the daily work tasks, including general staff expenses, public expenses, working expenses, business expenses, and one-time compensation for death。

五.Project expenditures: Expenditures in addition to basic expenditures to accomplish specific administrative tasks or career development goals。Such as basic public health, major public health, disease prevention and control, health personnel training and other expenditures。

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