Zhang Liangying famous doctor studio

 Professor Zhang Liangying, female,19358-20233From Nanchang, Jiangxi Province。1962The first graduate of Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine,The second national famous TCM,Tenured professor, Yunnan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, the first traditional Chinese medicine inheritance postdoctoral co-mentor,The second, fourth, fifth and sixth batch of old Chinese medicine experts in the country to inherit the academic experience of the instructor,National TCM clinical outstanding personnel training program training object instructor,Yunnan province famous doctor,Yunnan Province honorary TCM,Enjoy the special allowance of Yunnan Provincial People's government experts,Consultant, Chinese Medical Research Institute, California, USA,Chief academic advisor of Yunnan Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Association of Integrative Chinese and Western Medicine, Acupuncture and Moxibustion Society and Ethnic Medicine Society;He was the director of the Department of Gynecology of Yunnan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the deputy director of the Department of Gynecology of the First Affiliated Hospital of Yunnan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Yunnan Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Member of the editorial board of Yunnan Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Yunnan Provincial Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine, vice chairman of the Gynecology Professional Committee of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine Society, honorary chairman of the Gynecology professional Committee of Yunnan Provincial Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine。A biography of his deeds was compiled into the Yearbook of Chinese Medicine (Administrative Volume).2022Volume, "Yunling Women's Record", "Chinese Medicine Famous Doctor Biography" and "China contemporary famous old Chinese medicine Atlas" and other books。

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